In 1855, Lady Amelia Murray (one time lady in waiting to Queen Victoria) came to America. During this visit she came to view “the Silver Spring” of which she had heard much. She referred to the Pasteur plantation in her diary. Continue reading “A visit to Thomas Jefferson Pasteur’s plantation in Silver Spring (1855)”
Month: November 2001
Deed of Gift – Christopher Neale to William Pasteur & Judith his wife (1778)
14th June 1778
Christopher Neale of Craven County
to William Pasteur & Judith his wife Daughter of the said Christopher Neale – (Place of residence not given)
Deed of Gift for love & affection. Tract of land in Craven County near New Bern on Neuse Road Continue reading “Deed of Gift – Christopher Neale to William Pasteur & Judith his wife (1778)”
Deed of Gift – Abner Neale to Judith Pasteur (1785)
1st Oct 1785
Abner Neale of the town of New Bern, Merchant
to Judith Pasteur of the county of Craven
Deed of Gift for love & affection which he beareth unto his Sister the said Judith Pasteur Continue reading “Deed of Gift – Abner Neale to Judith Pasteur (1785)”
Power of Attorney – Edward G. Pasteur to George S. Attmore (1835)
31 Oct. 1835
Edward G. Pasteur
County of Green and State of Alabama
to George S. Attmore
All my land lying near the northern boundary line of the Town of New Bern afsd. being the unsold residue of a tract of about 27 acres formerly the property of Edward Griffith, Esq., which tract was bounded on the South by the Town of New Bern, on the East by the river, Continue reading “Power of Attorney – Edward G. Pasteur to George S. Attmore (1835)”
Descendants de Jabob Louis Frédérich PASTEUR
Jacob Louis Frédérich PASTEUR époux de Victoire Elisabeth REYMOND a eu comme enfants viables : Léonore, Ida, Arthur, Gérald et Marcelle. Continue reading “Descendants de Jabob Louis Frédérich PASTEUR”
Notes written by Christopher Neale Pasteur (1824-1908) – II
[…] William had two sons Doct. Ed. Pasteur [1] and Abner Pasteur. The unknown brother [2] had two sons Jno. S. Pasteur and Tom Ashe Pasteur [3] and represented New Bern at a convention convened at Halifax N.C., 1776, the first decision on action for liberty in the U.S. Continue reading “Notes written by Christopher Neale Pasteur (1824-1908) – II”
Craven County Apprentice Bonds, 1748-1835
An abstract of Craven County apprentice bonds naming the apprentice, master, and occupation. Continue reading “Craven County Apprentice Bonds, 1748-1835”
Notes written by Christopher Neale Pasteur (1824-1908) – I
Huguenot History, Vol. V. Virginia Historical Society by R. A. Brook, Corresponding Secretary and Librarian of the Society, Richmond, Virginia. Published by the Society.
John Pasteur, Charles Pasteur and wife, came to Virginia in 1700, on the fourth vessel with Huguenots Continue reading “Notes written by Christopher Neale Pasteur (1824-1908) – I”
Edward Pasteur, Captain of the Snap Dragon (1813-14)
The 6-gun schooner Snap Dragon, Captain E. Pasteur (also commanded by Captains O. Burns and N. Graham), was far more successful than either of the above (1), taking two barks, five brigs, and three schooners. In August and September, 1813, she captured the brigs Good Intent, Venus and Happy, the bark Reprisal, and the schooner Elizabeth. Continue reading “Edward Pasteur, Captain of the Snap Dragon (1813-14)”
John Iredell Pasteur, proprietor of the New Bern Spectator (1835)
Robert G. Moore was editor of Spectator and also school master. His daughter Mrs. Chapman. Robert G. Moore came to New Bern subsequent to his marriage in Ireland, was a Whig. Family were Presbyterians. Miss Verena Moore married Dr. Chapman. Proprietor of the Spectator at the time of which reference has been made, [1835] was John I. Pasteur Major General of Militia. Continue reading “John Iredell Pasteur, proprietor of the New Bern Spectator (1835)”