Robert G. Moore was editor of Spectator and also school master. His daughter Mrs. Chapman. Robert G. Moore came to New Bern subsequent to his marriage in Ireland, was a Whig. Family were Presbyterians. Miss Verena Moore married Dr. Chapman. Proprietor of the Spectator at the time of which reference has been made, [1835] was John I. Pasteur Major General of Militia. Dr. Edward Pasteur, the second of the elder Governor Spaight when the latter was killed in the duel with John Stanly in New Bern in 1802, was the uncle and father-in-law of General Pasteur who married his first cousin. This Dr. Pasteur was the chief owner of the Privateer SNAP DRAGON which vessel as is known in the War of 1812 – 15 with England, made Otway Burns of Carteret County the Commander so celebrated and he, the vessel a terror to the English all over the seas. The writer knew Capt. Burns personally slightly. (p. 18)
The writer is aware it has been stated the duel occurred in New Bern in the back of the Masonic Lodge in the presence of many people. Not so, Miss Lin Custis, the granddaughter of Dr. Edward Pasteur, friend and second to Spaight is still living at New Bern and as that lady frequently tells it. I will repeat her age at this time. She was born in the year 1813 (p. 19)
“The late John D. Davis, no better citizen and few more consistent Baptist anywhere in 1896, said in a letter to the writer “Capt. Otway Burns died on the Island of Portsmouth, N. C. and his remains were carried and buried by the dust of his kindred” in the cemetery in the town of Beaufort. He was married twice, 1st to a Miss Grant of Onslow County, where he was born and after her death to a Miss Hall, sister of your old friend Richard Hall of Beaufort N. C.
The sister of Dr. Haslen was the mother of John Byrd Sumner, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1848 to 1862. Sumner when a little boy made a visit to the Haslen home. Miss Linneaus Custis residence is on the site where it stood and she now has in her possession a cross made by him with red and green paper platted, which he sent to his aunt Mrs. Haslen at New Bern after his return to England. Miss Custis jocularly claims to have passed two wars. Her grandfather was the Dr. Edward Pasteur mentioned before in the Spaight-Stanly duel and her father Dr. Peter Custis – a year or two after the marriage of Dr. Custis and Miss Pasteur – during the second year of the American War 1812-1815 with England they with their infant dau. Linneaus visited his family in Accomac County, Virginia, and in doing so passed through in an open boat at night the English fleet anchored in Chesapeake Bay. Dr. Custis was closely related to the Custis whose widow George Washington married. Miss Linneaus Custis claims as above as having thus seen service in the War with England. Her next service was in the fall of New Bern 1862 when herself and half sisters – her father was twice married, were badly treated until they could reach the Confederate lines. Miss Custis has a silver tea kettle about the size and form of the ordinary iron tea kettle – it originally belonged to and was used by the family of Governor Tryon, while occupants of the Palace at New Bern.
P. 44. The first brick was laid in the Palace the 26 March 1767 and it was 1st occupied in 1770 – burned Feb. 27, 1798, standing 31 years.
P. 50. Rev. A. D. Cohen then Pastor of the Baptist Church (1841)
P. 57. Remains of the Haslens in vault of the Custis in Cedar Grove. Daniel McCarthy was an Irishman having dropped the Mc from his name on his arrival in this country. Miss Custis has the Shillaly he brought with him in her home, where stood the original Haslen house. Daniel Carthy married Dr. Haslen’s dau. the first cousin of Sumner, Archbishop of Canterbury before referred to and their dau. was the second wife of Dr. Peter Custis. She has grand children living in a Southern State, but no children living in New Bern at this time.
Miss Linneaus Custis it will be recollected was a dau. by Dr. Custis’ marriage with Miss Pasteur.
Source: The Home Story of a Walking Stick – Early History of the Biblical Recorder and Baptist Church at New Bern told in every day talk by John D. Whitford (filed in New Bern Library. From Mrs. John Norman, Ocala, Fla. to C. P. H. Bivins)