A declaration of the opinion of the French ministers, who are now refugees in England about some points of religion, in opposition to the Socinians. (1)
We under written, the Refugees, French Ministers in England, having understood by a Letter which my Lord, the Bishop of London, who at present is in Holland, hath writ to Monsieur le Coq, Counsellor in the Parliament of Paris, and an Illustrious Confessor of the Truth, the strange Reports that have been spread, as if we were not found in the Faith, and particularly with relation to the Doctrine of the Holy Trintty, and Grace, and the need there is to dissipate the same; and being moreover perswaded that by this Explication of our Belief we shall perform a thing that will serve for the Editication and Consolation of our Brethren, and will have its fruit, if the Lord please, especially in the Land of our Nativity, after some Amicable and Brotherlv Conferences we have had upon this matter, in the presence of Monsieur le Coq, we have all of us agreed to declare, as we do in the Sincerity of our Hearts:
I. That we Believe the whole Scripture Divinely Inspir’d, so that all Men are obliged to receive everything therein Revealed with an entire Submission of Faith.
II. That we receive with Reverence and Submission whatsoever the Scripture teacheth concerning the Nature of God and his Attribuies, of his Spirituality, Infinitiveness, Incomprehensiblity, Prescience, even of Future Contingencies, and of all others, the said Scripture attributes to him.
III. That we Believe also what it delivers concerning the Trinity of Persons in one only Divine Essence, and concerning the Incarnation of the Son, according as the said Articles are set down in the VI, XIV, and XV of the Confession of Faith of the Reformed Churches of France.
lV. That we hold also as an Article of our Faith, That Jesus Christ, by dying on the Cross, hath not only left us an Example that we should follow his Footsteps, but moreover, that his Principal Design therein was to satisfie the Divine Justice for us in bearing the Punishment of our Sins, as he actually did.
V. That we detest the Opinions of Socinus, and of all others that are contrary to the foremention’d Truths; not considering them as Innocent Opinions, or Tolerable Errors, but as Heresies which absolutely overturn the Foundations of the Christian Faith, and that consequently we can have no Religious Communion with those that follow them or teach them.
VI. That we do also condemn their Opinion, who deny the inward and immediate Operation of the Holy Ghost in the Conversion of Man to God, and who pretend that the Holy Ghost doth not so open the Hearts as to make Men believe the Word, incline them to love God, and to obey his Commandments.
We trust that God will give us his Grace to preserve the Doctrine pure and entire to our last Breath, and to evidence it as well in our publick Sermons as in our private Conversations.
London, the 30th of March, 1691.
T. Satur, formerly Minister of Montauban, Moderator.
A Piozet, formerly Minister of Mans, Joint-Moderator.
C. G. Lamothe, formerly Minister of Rouen, Secretary.
Du Bourdieu, formerly Minister of Montpelier.
Le Chenevix, formerlv Minister at Mante.
P. Charles, formerly Minister at Mauvesin.
L. Rival, formerly Minister at Saliéz.
O. Champion, formerly Minister at Mougon.
Benjamin de Daillón, formerly Pastor of the Church of Rochefaucault.
Sers, formerly Minister in the Church of Montredon.
La Caux, formerly Minister at Castres.
De Guilhem, formerly Minister at Brebyeres, in Peregord.
J. Lovis Malide, formerly Minister at Casteljaloux.
De Primerose, Minister of the French Church of London.
Mitault, formerly Minister at Chef Boutonne.
Samuel Metayer, Minister of St. Quentin.
De Joux, formerly Pastor of the Reformed Church of Lyon.
P. Testas, formerly Minister of the Reformed Church of Milhan in Guienne.
Marc Vernoux, formerly Minister of the Church of Mazemet, in Languedoc.
Fauleon, formerly Minister at Fecamp, in Normandy.
Betoule, formerly Minister of Duras.
J. Campredon, formerly Minister of the Church of St. Aignan upon the Maine, in France.
Jean Farcy, Minister of the Church of Mouchamp, in Low Poicton.
Jacques Severin, formerly Minister at Chery ley Rosais, in Forache.
A. Testas, formerly Minister at Poitiers.
Jacques Tirel, formerly Minister at St. Vaast.
Canolle, Minister of Gontauld.
Pont, formerly Minister of Mazeres.
Jean Gommarc, Minister of Mussidan, in the Dutchy of La Force.
Baignoux, formerly Minister at Poitiers.
David Grimaudet, formerly Minister of the Church of Desaigne.
Jacques Doulès, formerly Minister at Angles.
Pierre Fontaine, formerly Minister of Royan.
Daniel du Tens, formerly Minister of the Reformed Church of Angers.
J. Solinhac, formerly Minister at Realville.
Pierre Souchet, formerly Minister at Rochouard.
Jacob de Roussignac, formerly Minister at Puycasque.
J. Bardon, formerly Minister of Bruinquel.
Jean Baron, formerly Minister of Mazemet.
Jean Molles, formerly Minister of Cardalhac.
Daniel Chais la Place, formerly Minister of La Grave, in Dauphint.
Le Sauvage, formerly Minister at Aleason.
Jean Cabibal, formerly Minister of Brassac.
Etienne Molener, formerly Minister de Lisle, in Jordain.
Philippa la Loe, formerly Minister at Orbec.
Jean Couyer, formerly Pastor of Linieres, in Angoumars.
Jacob Asselin, formerly Minister at Dieppe.
Jean Forent, formerly Minister of the Church of Syon, in Bretagne.
C. Pegorier, formerly Minister of Havre.
Charles Bertheau, formerly Minister of Paris.
P. Roussilion, formerly Minister of the Baronny of Montreden, in the Lower Languedoc.
P. Pezé Degalimere, formerly Minister at Mans.
Barthelomy Balaguier, formerly of the Church of Aiguefonde in the High Languedoc.
Paul Gravisset, formerly Minister at Ardenay, in the Country of Maine.
JeanBoudet, formerly Minister at Genebrieres.
Joseph de la Mothe, formerly Minister of the Reformed Church of Puymiral.
Jouneau, formerly Minister at Barbesieux.
J. Lions, formerly Minister at Monlelimart.
Gabriel Barbier, Minister at Greenwich.
Pierre Blanc, Minister.
Rival, Minister.
J. Lombard, formerly Minister at Angers.
J. Majon, formerly Minister at Ciré.
Durand Raoux, formerly Minister of St. Privat.
J. Graverol, formerly Minister at Lyons.
Jacques Laborie, Minister.
Barthelomy Basset, Minister.
J. M. Verchiere, Minister.
Abraham Gilbert, formerly Minister at Melle.
Jean Charpentier, Minister.
Charles Contet, Minister.
Antoine Review, Minister.
H. de Rocheblave, Minister.
Jean le Febre, Minister.
A. Lombard, Minister.
Jean Bernard, Minister.
Eliscé Gerauld, Minister.
Brocus de Hondesplens, formerly Minister of Casteljaloux.
Mote, formerly Minister of the Place de Barre, in Cevennes.
Jacques Misson, formerly Minister at Niort.
Pierre Bossatran, formerly Minister at Niort, in Poitou.
Michel David, formerly Minister of my Lady Dutchess de la Force.
Pierre Ticier, formerly Minister of Mauvesin.
Jean Ia Mothe, Minister of the Church of la Bastide Rouaisouse.
Michel Cordier, formerly Minister of Fieux.
Bertheau the Elder, Minister of the Church of Montpelier.
La Riviere, formerly Minister at Toulouse.
Brevet, formerly Minister of the Church of Dompierre and Bourumf
A. Forues, Minister.
A. Richard, formerly Minister of Esperausses, in Languedoc.
P. Astrac, Minister of the Church of la Gazelle, in Auvergne.
Jean Chabbert, Minister.
La Porte, formerly Minister of the Church of Agen, in Low Guienne.
J. Dejoux, Junior, Chaplain in their Majesty’s Ship the Northumberland.
A. de St. Denys, formerly Minister at Sancourt, in Normandy.
(1) Appended to Two Discourses on the Divinity of our Saviour, small 4to; London, 1693, (a copy of which, bound with other religious tracts of the period, is in the possession of the Editor), by Charles G. Lamothe, who was the author also of Inspiration of the New Testament Asserted and Explained. 8vo; London, 1694.
Edited and compiled for the Virginia Historical Society by R.A. Brock
Originally published: Richmond, Virginia, 1886.
See also: