1st Oct 1785
Abner Neale of the town of New Bern, Merchant
to Judith Pasteur of the county of Craven
Deed of Gift for love & affection which he beareth unto his Sister the said Judith Pasteur – – hath demised & granted unto the said Judith during her natural life all that tract of land in the county of Craven on each side of the road leading from the town of New Bern up & along the river Neuse and about one mile distant from the said Town, which formerly belonged to the late Christopher Neale deceased the father of the said Abner and Judith, and by him given by will to the said Abner, with all houses, etc – saving & reserving to said Abner a tract of land known by the name of the Breek Yard.
Abner Neale
Jno Sitgreaves
Proved Dec Court 1785
Source: Craven Co., Bk 26, p. 255