Deed of Gift – Christopher Neale to William Pasteur & Judith his wife (1778)

14th June 1778

Christopher Neale of Craven County
to William Pasteur & Judith his wife Daughter of the said Christopher Neale – (Place of residence not given)

Deed of Gift for love & affection. Tract of land in Craven County near New Bern on Neuse Road – beginning on the road at second branch from New Bern – down the several courses of sd branch to Richard Grave’s patent line – with sd Graves line to a gum beginning corner of John Bryan’s land called the Cowpen patent – with Bryan’s line to Neuse Road – containing 130 acres more or less. Also a certain part of a lot of land in the Town of New Bern being the lot whereon sd William Pasteur & Judith his wife now Dwell, which was purchased by the said Christopher Neale from Jacob Shepard & Sarah his wife – in breadth upon Craven Street 40ft & bounded on the N by Jacob Shepard on the S by Samuel Cornell on the W by the lot where Timothy Clear last Dwelt and on the E by Craven Street. Also the following negroes viz – one negro woman named Pharez & her three children Nan, Liverpool & Tom, sundry household goods & kitchen furniture delivered them soon after they were married.

Chrisr Neale

Abner Neale
Edward Pasteur
Chrisr Neale

Ack’d Sept Ct 1778

Source: Deeds, Book 23, p. 139, Craven Co., N. C.

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