Jesse Bryan was in the Revolution, See p. 457, v. 10, “N.C. Colonial Records.” He was a Lieut. of the Militia in New Bern, N. C. Also see p. 350, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (#85). Mrs Ernest J. Lytle joined on his record. Memberships could be procured through the service of William Pasteur. I have a copy of a page from the National Archives and Records Service which gives him as paymaster 4th Regt. It is p. 18, v. 136 and 1/2. On p. 188, v. 10, “Colonial and State Records of N.C.” Friday, Sept. 1, 1775, “Dr. William Pasteur is appointed surgeon to the Second Regt.” In the roster of N.C. soldiers, published by the Daughters of the American Revolution of N.C. in 1932, he is listed as surgeon to the 2nd Regt. and paymaster for the 4th. Heitman’s Historical Register of Officers lists him as both surgeon and paymaster. See my notes about William under Society of the Cincinnati. Heitman, p. 177, lists Charles Crawford as Capt. 2nd N.C., 1st Sept., 1775, retired June 1, 1778. Also see the Colonial and Sate Records of N.C., v. 10, p 187 and the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, v. 85, p. 350-351.
Source: Abstracts from Family Notes of Holmes, Pasteur and Allied families, chiefly of North & South Carolina. Research and Compilation by Caroline Pasteur Holmes Bivins. 1982