Seating-plans and menu of the “dîner-de-famille” held at Grand Saconnex, Geneva, on 10 July 1854, the day before the marriage of Henry Pasteur and Caroline Marcet.
(Copied from the originals now (1964) in the possession of Col. F. M. Pasteur, M.C., Church Hall, Wormingford, Colchester, by J.R.T.A. on 30 August 1946.)
This document is a rough first seating-plan of the dinner party, in ink, the details of the dishes and food being in the form of notes, more than a formal menu. I have slightly rearranged the dishes, to make the list clearer and omitted the seating-plan, as a more finished and obviously final one is given on another sheet of paper. This document was probably written by Marie Lullin,(14) the bridegroom’s sister; she shows seats to be occupied by “papa”, “mam”, and “moi”.
On the back of the paper is:
Souvenir — Henry & Caroline
11 Juillet 1854
Noce d’Henry & Caroline 11 Juillet 1854 Sacconex Allumettes au choux Artichauts frits 2 truites sauce genevoise à verts. 4 plats chauds Côtelettes de mouton à la tartare riz de veau ppois. canetons 2 filets de bœuf. 4 plats froids 1 pâté en gelée 1 jambon 2 mayonnaises au veau 1 aspic à la terrine de foie gras. 2 rôtis volailles filet de chamois & salade ordinaire. Plats doux 2 macedoines ( — ?) 2 Blammanger ( — ?) 2 gelées douces 2 bombes glacées 4 bombons, four, bâtons, biscotins etc. 4 chocolat, liqueurs, dragées. 4 corbeilles, anneaux, thé Glaces au café. Dessert 7 coupes ou paniers de fleurs 2 melons 2 griottes 2 framboises 2 fraises 2 coupes sèches 1 groseilles sucrées 1 ( — ?) eau de vie 4 plats montés (1 dattes farcies, 1 S vanille, 1 nougat, 1 feuilles abricots) 2 C( — ?) fruits apportées de Paris par Amédée, raisins, figues, pêches, abricots. On a bu 11 bout. de champagne.
The final seating-plan. On the back of the sheet of paper is written:
H.P. and C.P.’s wedding
11 July 1854.
List of guests at wedding breakfast at Sacconex.
(14) Victoire Marie Pasteur, only daughter, b. 10 August 1829, m. 29 September 1852, Charles Amédée Lullin. [back to text]
Source: Family Notebook, Volume 2. MORSE-PASTEUR, by Brigadier J.R.T. Aldous. Printed privately for Brigadier J. R. T. Aldous by Jarrold & Sons Ltd, Norwich, 1964. Courtesy of J.G. Aldous