The PASTEUR in France are ranked 3394th with 1415 births during the last century. Here is the detailed ranking by department and district :
Period | Departments were the surname Pasteur appears most frequently | Districts with the biggest implantation |
1966 – 1990 | Doubs, Jura, Loir et Cher | Besançon, Champagnole, Blois |
1941 – 1965 | Doubs, Jura, Loir et Cher | Pontarlier, Lons le Saunier, Blois |
1916 – 1940 | Doubs, Jura, Paris | Chaffois, Morez, Paris 14e |
1891 – 1915 | Jura, Doubs, Paris | Marre, Chaffois, Paris 20e |
Source: INSEE
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