
Étymologie du patronyme Pasteur

Extrait du Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française

PASTEUR [past(∞)R] n. m.

REM. à la différence de pastour et de pastoureau, pasteur n’a pas de forme féminine; on emploie bergère. Continue reading “Étymologie du patronyme Pasteur”

Origin of the Pasteur surname

Pasteur as a surname originated from an occupation. The surname developed from the Latin word “pastor”, which means “shepherd”. The people who herded sheep were named “Pastor”, then Pastour, Pastre and Pasteur. In German, Pasteur became Pfarrer. Continue reading “Origin of the Pasteur surname”

First General Meeting of the Association of Pasteur families

The first Ordinary General Meeting of the Association of Pasteur families took place in Geneva on 2nd June 2001. Other activities were planned for that day too and all took take place within the bounds of the old town. Continue reading “First General Meeting of the Association of Pasteur families”