Pasteur’s original family branches

France (Franche-Comté): Descendants of:

  • Pasteur Claude Mathieu, from Salins (39)
  • Pasteur Claude Simon, from Sirod (39)
  • Etienne Pasteur, of Mouthe (25) (ancestor of Louis Pasteur)
  • Pasteur Jacques, from Plénise (39)
  • Pasteur Mathieu, from Arsure (39)
  • Pasteur Mathieu, from Mouthe (25), then Doye (39)
  • Pasteur Pierre x Guye Clauda
  • Pasteur Pierre, from Mouthe (25)
  • Pasteur Pierre alias Pierrillion x Bésuchet Denise, from Reculfoz (25)
  • Pasteur Simon, from Nans (39)

Continue reading “Pasteur’s original family branches”

Surnames connected to the Pasteurs of Franche-Comté

Surnames found in the Généalogie des familles Pasteur, connected to the Pasteurs of Franche-Comté, France.

Aidré, Aidrey, Alidan, Allemand, Alpy, Amadry, Amey, Amidey, Amien, Amiens, Amodru, Amye, Amyotte, Arbaud, Arbeaud, Ardiet, Arduin, Arduyn. Continue reading “Surnames connected to the Pasteurs of Franche-Comté”

Nécrologie de William Pasteur (1796-1874)

Nous apprenons avec le plus vif regret, la mort d’un de nos honorables concitoyens, M. William Pasteur-Mousson (1). M. Pasteur avait été pendant longtemps le directeur des Postes cantonales, et les générations actuelles qui ne les connaissent que par la rapidité et la sécurité qu’elles nous offrent, ne se doutent guère des efforts que nos devanciers ont dû multiplier pour amener à ce point cette branche si importante de l’administration publique. Continue reading “Nécrologie de William Pasteur (1796-1874)”

Carnifex, the public executioner at Rome

CARNIFEX, the public executioner at Rome, who put slaves and foreigners to death (Plaut. Bacch. iv.4.37; Capt. v.4.22), but no citizens, who were punished in a manner different from slaves. It was also his business to administer the torture. This office was considered so disgraceful, that he was not allowed to reside within the city (Cic. Pro Rabir. 5), but he lived without the Porta Metia or Esquilina (Plaut. Pseud. i.3.98), near the place destined for the punishment of slaves (Plaut. Cas. ii.6.2; Tac. Ann. xv.60; Hor. Epod. v.99), called Sestertium under the emperors (Plut. Galb. 20).

It is thought by some writers, from a passage in Plautus (Rud. iii.6.19), that the carnifex was anciently keeper of the prison under the triumviri capitales; but there does not appear sufficient authority for this opinion (Lipsius, Excurs. ad Tacit. Ann. ii.32).

Source: William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D., A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

The Pasteurs in England

There are two known Pasteur branches in England. One is that of John Lewis Pasteur, whose origin is yet unknown and whose male line died in 1819 or 1822. The other one is that of Marc Henry Pasteur, who came from Geneva to England in 1846 and whose descendants are living today near Birmingham. Continue reading “The Pasteurs in England”

The Swiss origins of the British branch of the Pasteurs

The eight Swiss (*) who form the fifth generation are as mixed a bag in origin as their eight English and Scottish companions. From the family historian’s point of view, however, there is one great difference. In continental countries title and nobility descended to all the male offspring of a family, whereas in England rank and property were only inherited by the eldest sons. Continue reading “The Swiss origins of the British branch of the Pasteurs”

The Pasteurs in USA – Call for papers

A new topic on the Pasteurs in North America has been set up. Articles published under this topic will include all aspects of the Pasteur families in the United States, from the arrival of Jean and Charles Pasteur in Virginia in 1700 to the present. Continue reading “The Pasteurs in USA – Call for papers”

How many Pasteurs were born over the last century?

The PASTEUR in France are ranked 3394th with 1415 births during the last century. Here is the detailed ranking by department and district : Continue reading “How many Pasteurs were born over the last century?”